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What To Do If Your Chimney Leaks

inside a chimney

What To Do If Your Chimney Leaks

Dealing with a leaky chimney may seem like a minor nuisance, but if ignored, it could end up costing you a small fortune in repairs. Many homeowners mistakenly believe that chimneys, especially those made of sturdy masonry, are impervious to weather and water. However, the reality is quite different. In this blog, we’ll explore the causes of chimney leaks, the types of damage they can cause, and most importantly, how to prevent them. Let’s dive in.

What Causes Chimney Leaks?

Chimney leaks often stem from several common culprits:

  1. Missing or Damaged Chimney Cap: A chimney cap is like an umbrella for your chimney, keeping rain and debris out. When it’s missing or damaged, water can easily penetrate.

  2. Damaged or Poorly Built Crown or Chase Cap: The crown or chase cap sits at the chimney’s top and prevents water from seeping in. Damage to these components can lead to leaks.

  3. Receding Mortar Joints or Spalling Brick: Mortar joints that recede or brick that starts to deteriorate can create entry points for water.

  4. Damaged or Poorly Installed Flashing: Flashing is the metal seal between your chimney and roofing material. If it’s compromised, water can infiltrate your home.

The Types of Damage Caused by Water Penetration & Chimney Leaks

Chimney leaks can wreak havoc on your chimney and home. They can lead to:

  • Rusted damper assemblies
  • Deteriorated metal or masonry firebox assemblies
  • Rusted fireplace accessories and glass doors
  • Rotting adjacent wood and ruined wall coverings
  • Water-stained walls and ceilings
  • Clogged cleanout areas
  • Deteriorated central heating systems
  • Stained chimney exteriors
  • Decayed exterior mortar joints
  • Cracked or deteriorating flue lining systems
  • Collapsed hearth support
  • Tilted or collapsed chimney structures
  • Chimney settlement
  • Chimney odors (from water mixing with creosote in the wood-burning chimney)

In summary, chimney leaks can cause extensive and costly damage, both inside and outside your home.

What Should You Do If You Have a Chimney Leak?

If you suspect a chimney leak, the first step is to call a CSIA-Certified Chimney Sweep® for an inspection. They will thoroughly assess your chimney and identify the source of the problem. Depending on their findings, they may recommend:

  • Installing a new chimney cap
  • Repairing or replacing the crown or chase cap
  • Flashing repair or replacement
  • Tuckpointing or other masonry repairs
  • Waterproofing
  • Any other necessary repairs to address the chimney leak

How to Prevent Chimney Leaks

Preventing chimney leaks is essential to avoid costly repairs. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Maintain Your Chimney Crown or Chase Cover: Ensure your chimney crown or chase cover is in good condition, with proper slope to divert water away from the chimney.

  2. Invest in a Good Chimney Cap: Installing a chimney cap is an inexpensive yet effective way to prevent water penetration. Make sure it’s properly sized and made of durable materials.

  3. Keep Your Flashing Watertight: Regularly check and maintain the metal flashing that seals your chimney to the roof.

  4. Repair Deteriorated Mortar Joints and Brick: Address deteriorated mortar joints promptly through repointing or tuckpointing.

  5. Install a Cricket: Consider adding a cricket if your chimney is wide or on a steep roof to divert water away.

  6. Waterproof Your Chimney: Use vapor-permeable waterproofing agents specifically designed for masonry chimneys.

Taking these preventive measures can save you from the headache and expense of dealing with chimney leaks in the future.

Does Homeowner’s Insurance Cover Chimney Leaks?

Typically, homeowner’s insurance does not cover chimney leaks unless you can prove the damage resulted from a severe weather event. Routine inspections and maintenance documentation can help establish this connection and potentially get your repairs covered by insurance.

In conclusion, chimney leaks are not to be underestimated. By understanding their causes, preventing them, and maintaining your chimney, you can protect your home and wallet from costly repairs.