Chimney Crown repair

chimney Crown Repair Company

Duct X is a professional chimney crown repair company that is dedicated to providing high-quality chimney crown repair services. With years of experience in the industry, their expert technicians have the skills and knowledge to diagnose and repair any issues with your chimney crown.

Whether your crown is cracked, damaged, or deteriorated, Duct X will work quickly and efficiently to restore it to its optimal condition. They use only the best materials and techniques to ensure that your chimney crown is strong, durable, and long-lasting, providing reliable protection for your home against water damage and deterioration. Contact Duct X today for a consultation and experience our outstanding chimney crown repair services for yourself.

Our Chimney Crown Repair Services


Looking for reliable chimney crown repair company? Our expert team specializes in repairing and replacing chimney crowns to their original shape.







Our Chimney Crown repair Services

Chimney crown repair is an important and beneficial service that can help protect your chimney and your home from water damage, structural issues, and other problems. A damaged or deteriorated chimney crown can allow water to penetrate into your chimney, which can cause serious problems such as mold growth, rusted components, and weakened masonry. This can also lead to costly repairs and, in extreme cases, even the need for a complete chimney rebuild.

By investing in professional chimney crown repair services, you can prevent these issues from occurring and ensure that your chimney remains in excellent condition for years to come. In addition to protecting your chimney, a properly functioning chimney crown can also improve the efficiency of your chimney by creating a better draft, which can reduce the amount of smoke and harmful gases that enter your home.

Our Chimney Crown Repair Services

Chimney crown repair is an important and beneficial service that can help protect your chimney and your home from water damage, structural issues, and other problems. A damaged or deteriorated chimney crown can allow water to penetrate into your chimney, which can cause serious problems such as mold growth, rusted components, and weakened masonry. This can also lead to costly repairs and, in extreme cases, even the need for a complete chimney rebuild.

By investing in professional chimney crown repair services, you can prevent these issues from occurring and ensure that your chimney remains in excellent condition for years to come. In addition to protecting your chimney, a properly functioning chimney crown can also improve the efficiency of your chimney by creating a better draft, which can reduce the amount of smoke and harmful gases that enter your home.

Chimney crown repair cost

The cost of chimney crown repair can vary depending on several factors, such as the size of the chimney, the extent of the damage, and the materials used for the repair. On average, the cost of repairing or replacing a chimney crown can range from $600 to $3000. However, if the damage to the chimney crown is more extensive or if there are additional issues that need to be addressed, the cost may be higher. It's important to remember that investing in professional chimney crown repair is a wise decision, as it can save you money in the long run by preventing further damage to your chimney and ensuring that it remains in good condition for years to come.

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14199 N Interstate Hwy 35

Plugersville, TX


2 Mockingbird Cir, 
Houston, TX

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